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Creative, Inspiring, Faith-building, Motivational, Hopeful, are common words to describe the speaking style of Dee Aspin.


Available for: Singles Groups, Retreats / Conferences, Workshops, Bible Studies, Motivational Talks, Writers Conferences 


Previous Speaking Events / Venues


National Dog Day 
Bayside Career Coaching Devotions
Remedy College Group
Christian Singles Network (CSN) speaker
North American Wesleyan Women’s Retreat
Fair Oaks Presbyterian Women’s Retreat
Sacramento Christian Writers
Juvenile Justice Chaplaincy
Bayside, Adventure and Warehouse Prayer Days
Day of Renewal: Adopt a Mom Brunch
Adventure Women’s Christmas Tea
CBS Testimony and Worship
SCHIPP speaker for UCDMC, Elk Grove School District


For speaking inquiries, send Dee a note using her contact form here. Thank you!




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