“I always wondered what God’s sense of humor meant,” my friend flipped her hair back while the rest of us listened curiously grazing on an array of appetizers spanning our table.
“And then I found out this week.” She grinned and continued.
“I was done with a relationship—done with the deception, “So I collected 2 1/2 years of letters ripped them up and headed down to the river. I did this before, after my divorce. It helps me mark a new beginning. The papers landed shorn in the garbage by the bridge. I watched the water race by knowing it was time for me to move on. So I said goodbye and left the reminders and mementos of this relationship once again, at the foot of the bridge.
Still in a sad state, I walked around the old rooster town, where the silly birds are running around loose everywhere.
Why did this have to happen God? I questioned the pain and the past a bit immersed in self pity.
While standing entertained by those crazy chickens, suddenly an odd familiar verse floated through my mind like a breeze clearing cobwebs .
“Why did the chicken cross the road?” It’ was as if God was speaking to me.
”To get to the other side’” I answered the elementary joke still lost in thought. Then I just started laughing. How funny of God to use those raunchy roosters to impress the message to start new and start in a new place in my life.
To make it even more memorable, on the way back to the car two men were pouring cement, After inquiring, I hired them to work at my house. Both of their names were George also.
They started working this week and they are both good men. They are doing a great job. They have been really watching out for me this week in what I need to do and making great suggestions. So he used two good men named George to counteract the bad behavior of my old George.
God is helping me. I’ve had so many changes in my life and now it is time to walk on God’s side even in my relationships with men. ...with a man who knows God and follows Him.
It was as if I was leaving my past and preparing for a new future.
I still marveled how he knew just how to humor me down to changing any negative thoughts I was having—even about the name George.” She chuckled And now I can say confidently because I understand it… ”God has a sense of humor.”
God you have searched me and known me. You know when I sit and when I stand. You perceive my thoughts from afar. You are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely , O Lord. Psalm 139:1-4 para